Run for Rotary
The Shakespeare Hospice
The Shakespeare Hospice offers a diverse range of community-based services. Their expert care is available not just to the patients but also their families, loved ones and those that matter the most to them. They support over 1,000 patients and their families every year.
The Adult Community Care Services (Day Hospice and Hospice at Home) provides palliative and end of life care to adult patients (aged 18+) who are registered with a GP in South Warwickshire. Rehabilitation/Therapy services aim to maximise a patient’s independence, quality of life, and overall wellbeing. Adult counselling supports patients and their carers or loved ones who are affected by a life-limiting condition and individuals who have been bereaved.
The Children and Family Support Service offers support to children and young people, who have either been bereaved or who are facing the loss of someone close to them, who has a life-limiting illness. The Hospice also supports young people aged 16-24 with a life-limiting condition to undertake a seamless transition from children’s to adult services.